Help disinfects 22 Educational and Childcare Centers Periodically in Herat Province

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Help disinfects 22 Educational and Childcare Centers Periodically in Herat Province

For more than two months now, a campaign has been launched by the Help in Herat Province to disinfect the places where children are educated or cared for.

The campaign, which started on September 4th of this year, is scheduled to continue for 5 months.

In this campaign, in addition to the 14 centers where children are cared for, several schools where symptoms of Covid-19 appeared are disinfected periodically once a week. However, there are currently 22 centers where children are cared for being disinfected on a regular basis, once a week.

It is worth mentioning that the employees appointed by Help have received the necessary training from the Public Health Department of Herat Province.

The centers that are included in this period of disinfection campaign are Khaja Abdullah Ansari girls’ Orphanage, Kowsar Private Orphanage, Imam Baqer Boys’ Orphanage, Children’s Reforming Center, Children’s Addiction Treatment Center, Khana-e-Mehr Orphanage, Atefi Foundation, Mashal Hedayat Social Association, Disability Foundation, Pir-e- Herat Foundation, School for the Blinds, Khaja Abdullah Ansari boys’ Orphanage, Bibi Somayyeh Kindergarten, Jihad Kindergarten, Herat Kindergarten, Bibi Khadija Kindergarten, Khaneh Mohabbat Orphanage, Ansari Vocational, and Technical Training Center, Azadi Female School, Tokhi Female School and Department of Labor and Social Affairs.

To be noted that recently, Help in Afghanistan has received a project from the United Nations International Children Fund (UNICEF) entitled “Supporting Vulnerable Children by Providing Humanitarian Child Protection Services in Herat, Ghor, and Farah Provinces through Media Awareness, Psycho-social Counseling to the children, their families, religious leaders and society against violence, abuse, exploitation, and negative dealing mechanisms.” This project is scheduled to be implemented for 10 months from June 21, 2020, to April 21, 2021, the main purpose of which is to protect children against neglecting, abusing, mistreatment as well as child care and its side effects.

Source: Help IT & Public Relations Department