Help Successfully Completed the Cash Transfers Process to 900 Vulnerable Households with Children (Including Children with Disabilities) in Herat and Ghor Provinces

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Help Successfully Completed the Cash Transfers Process to 900 Vulnerable Households with Children (Including Children with Disabilities) in Herat and Ghor Provinces


On February 15, 2021, Help in cooperation with the Departments of Labor and Social Affairs of Herat and Ghor Provinces and with the financial support of UNICEF, has successfully completed the cash distribution process for 900 extremely vulnerable families in Herat and Ghor provinces.

The beneficiaries of this program were chosen after a survey by the social workers of Help in cooperation with the Department of Labor and Social Affairs in each province, which included the most vulnerable families, people with disabilities, and IDPs.





This program started on December 15th, 2020, and ended on February 15th, 2021.

The social workers of Help have used the Kobo Toolbox software to survey the beneficiaries and collect their data.

“Kobo Toolbox is software for collecting field data. This software can be a useful tool for collecting data in difficult situations such as emergencies or countries with high levels of tension and conflict.”

Beneficiaries, in addition to receiving 5,000 AFN in cash, also benefited from a 10-minute education program about Covid-19, good parenting, how to use the money, the importance of educating children, and the growth and development of children.




The cash distribution process has been continuously monitored by a representative of the Department of Labor and Social Affairs, a representative of the UNICEF Office, the Monitoring and Evaluation officer of Help, and the Help’s social workers.

Source: Help IT & Public Relations Department