Graduation Ceremony for AFG 83-BMZ 4th Round Beneficiaries

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Graduation Ceremony for AFG 83-BMZ 4th Round Beneficiaries


Participants: Herat DoLSA Acting Director, OSAA Director, Head of Neswan Association, Head of ANAB/Disabled Association, Tolo Dorokhshan Employment Service Center, Behzad Institute, Azma Institute, Elders of the area, 162 graduates of 4th round from BMZ project, 200 current beneficiaries from morning shift of Ansari VTC, Trainers of Ansari VTC, Elders of Qolb-e-Nazer village where Mobile VTC is running (General Mechanic & Food Process classes) and Craftsmen Union.

This ceremony began by recital of a few verses of the Holy Quran. Afterwards, Mr. Taheri, Country Director of Help INGO in Afghanistan talked about Help INGO background, Vocational Educational Trainings (TVET), graduated beneficiaries, current vocations and beneficiaries in Herat and Bamyan provinces.

Then, Mr. Qatali, Acting Director of Herat DoLSA spoke about the importance of TVET and its impact on people lives.

In next part of the ceremony, OSAA’s (Organization for Sustainable Aid in Afghanistan) Employment Service Center manager gave information about this center and the services they provide to the public.

Then, one of the successful graduates of Food Process and Dairy class talked about the trainings she received during this 6-month course and the activities she has done after graduation.

The Head of Tolo Dorokhshan as the last spokesman, promised cooperation in job facilitation in cooperation with OSAA Employment Services Center to all graduates and even to current beneficiaries and also announced many vacancies.

At the end, some graduation certificates which were certified by Help INGO, Herat DoLSA and MoLSA including toolkits were distributed to the graduates.


At the end of the ceremony, TVET and ESC teams and trainers continued distribution of certificates and toolkits while current beneficiaries were watching the process. This program has given high motivation to actual beneficiaries and encouraged them to continue and finish their training.


Source: Help Media & Culture Department


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