Say NO to Violence

Date: 27, November, 2018

Time: 2:00

Place: Ansari Vocational Training Center

Ms. Fariba Taheri, from WASSA NGO in a sixteen-day cooperation with WFP organization and Help INGO and Ms. Fushanji from WFP organization visited Ansari vocational training center of Help INGO to deliver information on prohibition of violence against women. The purpose of conducting this program was to familiarize the participants with violence against women, its types and how to fight with it.

The participants of this program included female beneficiaries of advance tailoring class, carpet weaving and food and dairy process and their trainers that together made 75 individuals.

In this program one clip was shown on the mentioned subject and the concept of violence, its types, what leads to violence, people affected by violence and how to oppose it was presented to the beneficiaries.

Result: beneficiaries learned that decrease in the rate of violence against women requires that women should begin from themselves and gradually raise the level of their and their children literacy and information and try to adapt with the positive changes in their life and lead their society towards social development.

Source: Help Media and Culture Department.

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